
Italian Invigorating and Energizing Massage

The Italian modelling massage acts both on the skin and on the subcutaneous level. The alternation of touches and pressure techniques stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation, improving cell oxygenation, invigorating the muscular system and helping fight cellulite.
This practice helps with recovery of the tone and elasticity of the muscles, eliminating their sagging appearance and thus giving them a better line.
Moreover, the manipulation of the connective tissues facilitates the drainage of liquids that swell fat cells, thus eliminating the orange peel appearance.
The areas that benefit the most from this massage are breasts, abdomen, thighs and glutei.
Results can be seen after three or four sessions.

60 minutes – $85

90 minutes – $120

Swedish Massage

The benefits of Swedish massage include increased blood circulation, mental and physical relaxation , decreased stress and muscle tension, and improved range of motion.

60 minutes – $85

90 minutes – $120

Hot Stone Massage

The hot stone massage, combined with Swedish techniques, will create an unforgettable deeply relaxing experience.

Penetrating heat from smooth, oiled, warm river basalt stones will run over your skin, like a warm, fragrant shower that pours over tired muscles and bones, gently melting away tension and stress.

90 minutes – $140

Facial and Décolleté Massage

A face massage is focused on the muscles and soft tissues of the face.
A variety of techniques including trigger pointing, acupressure and circular strokes are used to help increase relaxation and decrease stress.

Facial massages increase blood flow, kick-starting lymphatic drainage in your face to flush out waste and toxins and keep your skin fresh and clean, both inside and out.
Also, more oxygen sent to the skin equals increased collagen production and cell growth, resulting in a smooth, glowing complexion.

20 minutes – $25

Location & Contact

The Room of Beauty and Relax
17 Hardie Ave
Summer Hill NSW 2130
0420 963 634

Social Media

Opening Times

Thu        2pm - 8pm
Sat         9am - 7pm
Closed on Public Holidays